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  Cemeteries in Michigan

Michigan Cemeteries - State index - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Lenawee Hills Memorial Park 1291 Wolf Creek Hwy Adrian, Michigan 49221-9401 517-265-6955

Albion Memory Gardens 26905 B Dr S Albion, Michigan 49224-9749 517-629-8700

Michigan Memorial Park 5871 Pelham Rd Allen Park, Michigan 48101-2809 313-561-6700

Chapel Garden 6798W Monroe Rd Alma, Ml 48801-9526 517-463-1566

Holy Cross Cemetery 1300W Washington Ave Alpena, Ml 49707-2955 517-354-3831

Forest Hill Cemetery 415 Observatory St Ann Arbor, Ml 481 04-1 601 734-663-5018

Washtenong Memorial Park 3771 Whitmore Lake Rd Ann Arbor, Ml 481 05-9227 734-665-6187

Bethlehem United Christen Ceme 2801 Jackson Ave Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-2009 734-761-6878

St Thomas Catholic Cemetary 300 Sunset Rd Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-2914 734-663-9252

Arborcrest Memorial Park 2521 Glazier Way Ann Arbor, Ml 48105-2463 734-761-4572

Colfax Cemetery 598 N Barrie Rd Bad Axe, Ml 4841 3-91 87 517-269-8762

Battle Creek Memorial Park 2435 Territorial Rd W Battle Creek, Ml 4901 5-4957 616-963-7577

Floral Lawn Memorial Gardens 1490 Michigan Ave E Battle Creek, Ml 49014-8902 616-964-0088

Mc Millan Maintenance 1500 N Henry St Bay City, Ml 48706-3574 517-684-0750

Oak Ridge Cemetery 1500 N Henry St Bay City, Ml 48706-3574 517-684-0750

St Stan islaus Cemetery 2000 Columbus Ave Bay City, Ml 48708-6833 517-893-4311

Elm Lawn Cemetery 300 Ridge Rd Bay City, Ml 48708-6937 517-892-0661

St Patrick’s Cemetery 805 Ridge Rd Bay City, Ml 48708-6981 517-893-2697

St Stanislaus Cemetery & Mslm 805 Ridge Rd Bay City, Ml 48708-6981 517-893-2697

Floral Gardens Cemetery 2215 Cass Avenue Rd Bay City, Ml 48708-91 05 517-893-4528

Oak Grove Cemetry 7710 Lake Bear Lake, Ml 49614 231-864-2999

Rest Haven Memory Gardens 8690 Storey Rd Belding, Ml 48809-9427 616-794-1380

Crystal Springs Cemetery 1655 E Napier Ave Benton Harbor, Ml 49022-2120 616-926-2733

Lovedale Memorial Cemetery 5175 E Bristol Rd Burton, Ml 4851 9-1 503 810-742-5580

Sleepy Hollow Pet Cemetery 2941 64th St SW Byron Center, Ml 4931 5-8505 616-538-6050

Lake View Cemetery State Highway M203 Calumet, Ml 49913 906-337-2510

Knollwood Memorial Park 1299 N Ridge Rd Canton, Ml 481 87-4646 734-495-0400

Indianfields Township Cemetery 350 Ellington St Caro, Ml 48723-1 645 517-673-2428

Elkland Township Cemetary 6897 Cass City Rd Cass City, Ml 48726-9676 517-872-1112

Maple Hill Cemetery 801 Tully Brown Dr Charlotte, Ml 4881 3-8405 517-543-1170

Pine Hill Cemetary 300 Pine Hill Ave Cheboygan, Ml 49721-1 870 231-597-9913

Ottawa Park Cemetery 6180 Dixie Hwy Clarkston, Ml 48346-3409 248-623-9112

Pontiac Municipal Cemeteries 6180 Dixie Hwy Clarkston, Ml 48346-3409 248-623-9112

Hebrew Memorial Park 21503 E 14 Mile Rd Clinton Twp, Ml 48035-4100 810-939-0300

Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery 21661 E 14 Mile Rd Clinton Twp, Ml 48035-4101 810-791-3486

Clinton Grove Cemetery 21189 Cass Ave Clinton Twp, Ml 48036-1407 810-463-0851

Resurrection Cemetery 18201 Clinton River Rd Clinton Twp, Ml 48038-2903 810-286-9020

Family Cemetery Svc 42450 Garfield Rd #E Clinton Twp, Ml 48038-5040 810-263-3713

North Shore Memory Gardens 5027 State Route 63 N Coloma, Ml 49038-91 39 616-849-1100

Meadowview Memorial Gardens 3136 N State Rd Davison, Ml 48423-1149 810-653-2196

Davison Cemetery 10080 E Potter Rd Davison, Ml 48423-8 1 10 810-653-8300

Maple Grove Cemetery 25037 Joy Rd Dearborn Heights, Ml 48127-1 385 313-563-5151

St Hedwig Cemetery & Mausoleum 23755 Military Rd Dearborn Heights, Ml 48127-2238 313-562-1900

Northview Cemetery 600 Kensington St Dearborn, Ml 48128-1 807 313-565-0005

Evergreen Cemetery 19807 Woodward Ave Detroit, Ml 48203-1 593 313-368-1330

Mt Elliott Cemetery 1701 Mount Elliott St Detroit, Ml 48207-3400 313-567-0048

Elmwood Cemetery 1200 Elmwood St Detroit, Ml 48207-3897 313-567-3453

Holy Cross Cemetery 8850 Dix St Detroit, Ml 48209-1 093 313-841-0545

Woodmere Cemetery Inc 9400W Fort St Detroit, Ml 48209-2599 313-841-0188

Trinity Cemetery 5210 Mount Elliott St Detroit, Ml 48211-31 59 313-921-0286

Gethsemane Cemetery Co 10755 Gratiot Ave Detroit, Ml 48213-1226 313-921-6650

Grand Lawn Cemetery 23501 Grand River Ave Detroit, Ml 48219-31 66 313-531-2050

Mount Olivet Cemetery 17100 Van Dyke St Detroit, Ml 48234-3975 313-365-5650

Forest Lawn Cemetery Co 11851 Van Dyke St Detroit, Ml 48234-4190 313-921-6960

Windsor Township Cemetary 300W Jefferson St Dimondale, Ml 48821-9514 517-646-8357

Country Meadows Pet Cemetery 11400 Dimondale Hwy Dimondale, Ml 48821-9615 517-646-8043

Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens 5401 N Michigan Rd Dimondale, Ml 48821-9732 517-646-0288

Holy Cross Cemetery M-35 Escanaba, Ml 49829 906-786-4685

Lakeview Cemetery 2110 3rd Ave S Escanaba, Ml 49829-2329 906-786-7173

Forest Hills Cemetery 4395 6 Mile Rd Evart, Ml 49631 231-734-3084

Fenton Corp 10260 White Lake Rd Fenton, Ml 48430-8724 810-629-2847

Tyrone Memory Gardens 10260 White Lake Rd Fenton, Ml 48430-8724 810-750-0804

Beth Abraham Cemetary 555 Edgewood Pl Ferndale, Ml 48220-2430 248-399-0996

Machpelah Cemetery Assn 21701 Woodward Ave Ferndale, Ml 48220-2514 248-542-1146

Oak Ridge Cemetery 23723 Telegraph Rd Flat Rock, Ml 481 34-9221 734-675-0660

Michigan Memorial Park 32163 W Huron River Dr Flat Rock, Ml 48134 734-782-2473

Huron Valley Cemetery 27009 lnkster Rd Flat Rock, Ml 48134-9436 734-782-9415

Glenwood Cemetery 2500 W Court St Flint, Ml 48503-3154 810-239-3222

New Calvary Catholic Cemetery 4142 Flushing Rd Flint, Ml 48504-3960 810-732-2620

Riverrest Cemetery 4413 Flushing Rd Flint, Ml 48504-3975 810-732-0260

Covenant Cemetary Svc 5710 N Saginaw St Flint, Ml 48505-2976 810-687-5858

Grace Lawn Community Cemetery 5710 N Saginaw St Flint, Ml 48505-2976 810-789-5500

Machpellah Cemetery 4 3400 Branch Flint, Ml 48506 810-736-7020

Tanner Cemetery 5084 N Genesee Rd Flint, Ml 48506-1 540 810-736-8601

Acacia Park Cemetery Assn 31300 Southfield Rd Franklin, Ml 48025-5456 248-646-4228

Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery 2020 E Hill Rd Grand Blanc, MI 48439-51 08 810-767-2621

Crestwood Memorial Cemetery 2020 E Hill Rd Grand Blanc, Ml 48439-5108 810-694-4101

Evergreen Cemetery 3415 E Hill Rd Grand Blanc, Ml 48439-8106 810-694-6541

Pine Ridge Memorial Gardens 17200 Lincoln St Grand Haven, Ml 49417-8837 616-846-4389

Washington Park Memorial Gdns 1205 Richmond St NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504-2766 616-363-3719

Holy Cross Cemetery 2000 Walker Ave NW Grand Rapids, Ml 49504-2500 616-453-1636

Mt Calvary Cemetery 1362 Leonard St NW Grand Rapids, Ml 49504-2937 616-531-9320

Garfield Park Cemetery 2222 Kalamazoo Ave SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49507 616-243-8115

St Andrews Cemetery 900 Madison Ave SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49507-1211 616-531-9320

Fairplains Cemetery 2530 Kalamazoo Ave SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49507-3901 616-456-4500

Fulton Street Cemetery 2530 Kalamazoo Ave SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49507-3901 616-456-4500

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries 2530 Kalamazoo Ave SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49507-3901 616-456-4500

Greenwood Cemetery 2530 Kalamazoo Ave SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49507-3901 616-456-4500

Oakgrove & Woodlawn Cemeteries 2530 Kalamazoo Ave SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49507-3901 616-456-4500

Oakhill Cemetery 2530 Kalamazoo Ave SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49507-3901 616-456-4500

Rest Lawn Memorial Park 3450 Eastern Ave SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49508-2407 616-243-0294

Resurrection Cemetery 4100 Clyde Park Ave SW Grand Rapids, Ml 49509-4034 616-531-9320

Kent Memorial Gardens 7101 Clyde Park Ave SW Grand Rapids, Ml 49509-9708 616-455-0793

Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens 2894 Patterson Ave SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49512-1 928 616-949-2560

Rosedale Memorial Park 0-50 Lake Michigan Dr NW Grand Rapids, Ml 49544 616-453-2411

Graceland Memorial & Mausoleum 4341 Cascade Rd SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49546-3630 616-949-0660

Ridgeview Memorial Gardens 5151 8th Ave SW Grandville, Ml 4941 8-9699 616-249-8439

Floral View Memorial Gardens 5371 8th Ave SW Grandville, Ml 49418-9653 616-457-0140

Grosse lie Memorial Cemetery 10056 Groh Rd Grosse lie, Ml 48138-2102 734-675-5366

Lakeview Cemetery Sexton Cemetery Rd Harbor Springs, Ml 49740 231-526-5771

Riverside Cemetery Co 1003W State Rd Hastings, Ml 49058-9566 616-945-5901

Restlawn Memorial Gardens 994 Paw Paw Dr Holland, Ml 49423-3046 616-396-4949

Forest Hill Cemetery Park Addition Houghton, Ml 49931 906-482-3580

Sunset Memorial Gardens 2810 5 State Rd Ionia, Ml 48846-9475 616-527-4096

Dickinson County Memorial Gdns 8079 S Us Highway 2 Iron Mountain, Ml 49801 906-774-1620

Rest Haven Cemetery 4064 Us Highway 2 Iron River, Ml 49935-7972 906-265-9449

Hillcrest Memorial Park Inc 1425 Seymour Ave Jackson, Ml 49202-1 751 517-782-0565

Mt Evergreen Cemetery 1047 Greenwood Ave Jackson, Ml 49203 517-788-4078

St John’s Cemetery 403 E South St Jackson, Ml 49203-4440 517-783-1728

Woodland Cemetery 2615 Francis St Jackson, Ml 49203-4616 517-788-4078

Roseland Memorial Gardens 3744 Brooklyn Rd Jackson, Ml 49203-4897 517-764-0450

Mt Olivet Cemetery-Mausoleum 2003 Mount Olivet Rd Kalamazoo, Ml 49004-1013 616-342-9585

Mountain Home Cemetery 1402W Main St Kalamazoo, Ml 49006-3102 616-337-8227

Mount Everest MemI Park North 3941 5 Westnedge Ave Kalamazoo, Ml 49008-3187 616-343-6820

Mount Ever-Rest Memorial Park 3941 5 Westnedge Ave Kalamazoo, Ml 49008-3187 616-385-3887

Calvary Cemetery 2977 Old Kawkawlin Rd Kawkawlin, Ml 48631-9105 517-684-0666

Roselawn Memorial Park Cmtry 13200 5 Dixie Hwy La Salle, Ml 48145-9649 734-242-2475

Brundage Corp 6136 Shady Shrs Lake Ann, Ml 49650-9715 231-275-8080

Lakeside Cemetery 14631 Cemetery Rd Lake Odessa, Ml 48849-9456 616-374-7649

Elite Cemetery Systems Inc 4444W Grand River Ave Lansing, Ml 48906-91 55 517-321-3084

Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens 4444WGrand River Ave Lansing, Ml 48906-9113 517-321-3000

St Joseph Cemetery Mausoleum 2520 W Willow St Lansing, Ml 4891 7-1 830 517-484-2500

Deepdale Memorial Park 4110 Lansing Rd Lansing, Ml 48917-4448 517-322-9475

Forget-Me-Not 131 N Saginaw St Lapeer, Ml 48446-2660 810-538-4438

Dawn Memorial Cemetery 1569 5 Elba Rd Lapeer, Ml 48446-9731 810-664-3200

Mount Hope Memorial Gardens 17840 Middlebelt Rd Livonia, Ml 481 52-3689 734-522-2200

Glen Eden Memorial Park 356678 Mile Rd Livonia, Ml 48152-1150 248-477-4460

Beth El Memorial Park 28120 6 Mile Rd Livonia, Ml 48152-3662 734-421-5680

Adat Shalom Memorial Park 28500 6 Mile Rd Livonia, Ml 48152-3669 734-421-7915

Parkview Memorial Cemetery 34205 Five Mile Rd Livonia, Ml 48154-2699 734-421-6120

Oak Grove Intl 290 Washington St Manistee, Ml 49660-1260 231-723-3600

Marlette Cemetery 3580 S Van Dyke Rd Marlette, Ml 48453-1289 517-635-7325

Holy Cross Cemetery 1415 Wright St Marquette, Ml 49855-1 564 906-225-0191

City Of Marquette 301 W Ridge St Marquette, Ml 49855-4341 906-228-0471

Homer Township Cemetery 1136 E Prairie Rd Midland, Ml 48640-8653 517-832-8028

Calvary Catholic Cemeteries 2743 E Bombay Rd Midland, Ml 48642-7380 517-689-3739

St Joseph Cemetery Assn Inc 909 N Monroe St Monroe, Ml 48162-2938 734-241-1411

Flint Memorial Park Cemetery 9506 N Dort Hwy Mt Morris, Ml 48458-1200 810-686-3660

Memorial Gardens 740 N Mission Rd Mt Pleasant, Ml 48858-4600 517-772-4701

St Mary’s Cemetery 1915 Park St Muskegon, Ml 49441-2660 231-722-3956

Sunrise Memorial Gardens 2188 Remembrance Dr Muskegon, Ml 49442-6143 231-777-2445

Northland Chapel Gardens 239 Midway Dr Negaunee, Ml 49866-9629 906-225-0716

St Mary’s Cemetery 3610524 Mile Rd New Baltimore, Ml 48047 810-725-8420

Pine Grove Cemetery 36S Clinton St New Buffalo, Ml 49117-1600 616-469-2660

Niles Cemetery 1400 E Main St Niles, Ml 49120-3652 616-683-8421

Silverbrook Cemetery 1400 E Main St Niles, Ml 49120-3652 616-683-8421

Mission Hills Memorial Gardens 3001 M 51 Niles, Ml 49120-9104 616-683-8333

Oakland Hills Memorial Gardens 43300W 12 Mile Rd Novi, Ml 48377-3017 248-349-2784

East Lawn Memory Gardens 2400 Bennett Rd Okemos, Ml 48864-3236 517-349-9180

Mountain Home Cemetary 680 N Farmer St Otsego, Ml 49078 616-692-6002

Oak Hill Cemetery 1101 5 Washington St Owosso, Ml 48867-8924 517-725-5495

Hillcrest Memorial Gardens 1106 5 Washington St Owosso, Ml 48867-8925 517-725-5322

Ridgelawn Cemetery 99 W Burdick St Oxford, Ml 48371-4685 248-628-6244

Christian Memorial Cultural 255 W Sheridan Line Rd Peck, Ml 48466-9614 810-378-5555

Greenwood Cemetery 111 Greenwood St Petoskey, Ml 49770 231-347-6531

Perry Mount Park Cemetery Assn 878 N Perry St Pontiac, Ml 48340-3029 248-334-1563

Mt Hope Catholic Cemetery 727 Orchard Lake Rd Pontiac, Ml 48341-2076 248-332-1079

Oak Hill Cemetery 216 University Dr Pontiac, Ml 48342-2367 248-623-9112

Mt Hope Catholic Cemetery 1209 Kraffl Rd Port Huron, Ml 48060-1 584 810-985-5323

Detroit Memorial Park-West 25200 Plymouth Rd Redford, Ml 48239-2019 313-533-1302

Ferndale Cemetery 14732 Sibley Rd Riverview, Ml 48192-7754 734-282-3145

Van Hoosen Jones Stony Creek 570 E Tienken Rd Rochester Hills, Ml 48306-4539 248-656-4630

Michigan Cemetery 2700 5 Rochester Rd Rochester Hills, Ml 48307-4547 248-299-5805

Mt Avon Cemetery 400 6th St Rochester, Ml 48307-1400 248-651-9061

Christian Memorial Cultural 521 E Hamlin Rd Rochester, Ml 48307-3516 248-651-8192

Oakview Cemetery Assn 1032 N Main St Royal Oak, Ml 48067-1397 248-541-0139

Clover Hill Park Cemetery 3607 W 14 Mile Rd Royal Oak, Ml 48073-1659 248-549-3411

Eastlawn Memorial Garden 7475 E Holland Rd Saginaw, Ml 48601 -9408 517-755-3403

Catholic Cemetery Commission 3440 5 Washington Rd Saginaw, Ml 48601-4958 517-752-7159

Roselawn Memorial Gardens 950 N Center Rd Saginaw, Ml 48603-5866 517-793-1482

St Andrews Cemetary 381 Saint Andrews Rd Saginaw, Ml 48603-5900 517-792-3131

Oakwood Memorial Mausoleum 5950 Gratiot Rd Saginaw, Ml 48603-6047 517-792-2961

Oaklawn Chapel Gardens Cmtry 15264 5 M 129 Sault Ste Marie, Ml 49783-8522 906-647-2407

Shelby Logging Supplies Inc 91 Bevier St Shelby, Ml 49455-1209 231-861-5439

White Chapel Memorial Cemetery 19111 W 10 Mile Rd #102 Southfield, MI 48075-2449 248-353-9930

Holy Sepulchre Cemetery 25800W 10 Mile Rd Southfield, Ml 48034-2802 248-350-1900

Erin Grove Cemetery 33518 Jefferson Ave St Clair Shores, Ml 48082-1177 810-296-5711

St Johns Cemetery Assn 706 E Steel St St Johns, Ml 48879-1117 517-224-3160

Riverview Cemetery 2925 Niles Rd St Joseph, Ml 49085-8607 616-429-0021

Stambaugh Cemetery Board Cemetery Stambaugh, Ml 49964 906-265-3146

Grand Traverse Memorial Garden 3575 Veterans Dr Traverse City, Ml 49684-4512 231-947-7075

Oakwood Catholic Diocesan 812 5 Garfield Ave #5 Traverse City, Ml 49686-3456 231-947-7921

White Chapel Memorial Cemetery 621 W Long Lake Rd Troy, MI 48098-4502 248-362-7670

White Chapel Memorial Assoc 901 Wilshire Dr #205 Troy, Ml 48084-1 692 248-362-7693

Richland Township Cemetery 6605 Crystal Rd Vestaburg, Ml 48891-9749 517-268-5011

Detroit Memorial Park Assn Inc 4280 E 13 Mile Rd Warren, Ml 48092-1763 810-751-1313

All Saints Cemetery 4401 Nelsey Rd Waterford, Ml 48329-1 057 248-623-9633

Gardens Of Rest Memorial Park 6556 Us Highway 2 Wells, Ml 49894 906-786-0021

Mount Carmel Cemetery 138 Goddell St Wyandotte, Ml 48192-3217 734-285-1722

Our Lady Of Hope Cemetery 18303 Allen Rd Wyandotte, Ml 48192-8402 734-285-2155

Highland Cemetery 943 N River St Ypsilanti, Ml 48198-2848 734-482-9490

Westlawn Cemetery 9470 Ford Rd Ypsilanti, Ml 48198-9433 734-480-3541